Dental discomfort can happen when you least expect it and can make it difficult to enjoy your favorite food and drinks. It can even interfere with your normal daily activities. It’s difficult to think about anything else when your tooth hurts. You need relief fast! Here’s what to do when you’re experiencing dental discomfort.

What Can Cause Discomfort?

Dental discomfort can be caused by many things: cavities, tooth decay, jaw clenching, teeth grinding, sinus pressure, migraine headaches, whitening treatments, extreme temperature changes, and damaged teeth or fillings can all be underlying causes for tooth sensitivity. So, how do you know what’s causing it?

Call Your Dentist’s Office

The best thing you can do when your tooth hurts is to call your dentist. It’s important to visit your dentist so that they can examine your teeth and rule out any serious causes like an abscess or problem with the root of a tooth. If the cause is a simple one, it can also be important to get treatment before it turns into something more serious.

Seek Relief

When your tooth hurts, finding relief quickly becomes the most important thing for the moment. Over-the-counter pain relievers can be helpful while you’re waiting to see your dentist. An ice pack applied to your jaw may temporarily offer some relief by helping to numb the affected area. You may also try a salt water rinse. Salt water is often recommended after dental procedures because of its natural soothing, antiseptic, and healing properties.

If none of these suggestions are providing relief and your discomfort feels unbearable, you should call your dentist’s emergency number or visit the ER. Don’t hesitate to get emergency help when you need it.

Don’t Ignore the Discomfort

One mistake people often make is to forget about the discomfort they were experiencing if it goes away before they can see a dentist. Sudden relief of dental symptoms can actually be a warning sign that a problem has become more serious so the nerves are no longer reacting. When your tooth hurts, it’s usually a sign that something requires your attention, so it’s important not to ignore it, but to get it properly evaluated and treated by a dental professional.

Call our Baton Rouge Dental Office to make an appointment with a dentist who may be able to help you find out more about this topic, and improve your oral health.

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